Digital Soil Core (DSC) - Maps

It is now possible to digitally characterize the soil profile in 1 cm increments for dozens of soil properties in-situ in about 90 seconds. The Digital Soil Core (DSC) contains 7 sensors that obtain continuous measurements of soil properties including texture, structure, porosity, organic matter, density, moisture, salinity, and many others.


Data from multiple sensors is fused and analyzed to produce high-resolution, true 3D, digital soil information products. The products can be integrated with decision support systems that are used to optimize agricultural production.


In this example, Plant Available Water Holding Capacity (PAWHC) represents the amount of water the soil can hold that is available for plant utilization. The PAWHC is a critical piece of soil information needed to optimize site selection, irrigation design, implementation, and dynamic crop-water management.

#ii4ag #digitalsoilcore #agtech #digitalagriculture #irrigation #precisionagriculture

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