Digital Deployment & Monitoring
Go digital with LandScan.
Digital Deployment & Monitoring
Once a site is characterized it is now possible to eliminate the greatest source of error associated with understanding and acting on field observations by selecting the most appropriate and relevant locations within your fields to place sensors, obtain samples, and monitor dynamic field characteristics. LandScan has invested in several complimentary technologies that are unique and take advantage of the spatial and temporal context the field-scale digital twin provides.
FluxH2O™ Sensor
Our unique, patented soil water monitoring technology is called FluxH2O and consists of both a unique sensor as well as a dynamic model that analyzes the data. What FluxH2O has that no other soil moisture sensor technology can offer is its ability to provide a full profile of water content which is necessary to correctly correlate spatial and temporal variation in the water storage profile with the fine scale vertical resolution of so properties elucidates by LandScan’s DSC. Together these technologies enable interpretation of sources and sinks of water and the flow that occurs between them. LandScan’s FluxH2O lets you monitor how your irrigation is actively distributing through the soil column, where it accumulates, where it doesn’t, and how long it remains available to your plants. See FluxH2O system output example here

In-Situ Soil Nitrate Ion Concentration Sensor
LandScan has licensed the patent for this sensor and is working with the inventors at the University of California-Davis to develop and deploy the tool for initial testing in 2023.