Agricultural Production Optimization Circuit

It is too slow, subjective, degrading, has low spatial and information dimensionality, and removes the soil from its in-situ environment…even if you test the soil sample in the field. Lots of steps for errors to occur too.

If you are relying on the lab, then an entire new set of errors are added to the total. By the time you get the ‘ground truth’ you can be certain the result does not resemble the soil as it was in the ground where the roots, water, nutrients, organisms, and other soil were interacting with it.

All the elements in the Agtech data stack have full digital reach and synchronicity except soil information. The Digital Soil Core (DSC) changes this.

Find out more:

#Digitalsoilcore #ii4ag #digitalagriculture #digitaltwins #rootcauseanalytics



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We are currently booking services for fall 2024 and 2025.  

  • No payment required until work is scheduled.
  • Our team of experts will contact you to setup a service consultation.