Understanding the soil is important for our food supply and the health of people and the planet, and yet it remains the most unexplored and elusive part of the Agtech information and analytics ecosystem.
The future of soil classification and its power to enable ML/AI and digital twin applications must include direct sensing with probes capable of characterizing the entire soil profile in-situ.
The act of removing a soil sample from the in-situ environment leads to soil information products that lack the spatial resolution and information dimensions necessary for advanced analytics and decision support. Traditional soil sampling breaks the continuity of the inferential circuit that connects plant performance and behavior to the actual soil environment.
LandScan is frequently asked how the four soil probing technologies in the below table compare. I’m guessing the folks at ChrysaLabs Yard Stick PBC stenon get the same question. The following table was constructed from what is available online. LandScan encourages everyone to visit these web sites and company pages to see and compare the technologies for themselves.
For more about the LandScan Digital Soil Core (DSC) visit https://landscan.ai/platform/digital-soil-core/
#digitalsoilcore #digitalagriculture #digitaltwins #ii4ag #soilscience #soilhealth