The crop is scanned using quality imagery #digitalvegetationsignature which in turn is used to guide the location of the #digitalsoilcore (DSC) observations.
The DSC’s 7 independent sensors obtain an objective, in-situ, continuous digital soil profile to 120cm+ in about 60 seconds. Hundreds of observations can be taken in a single day. This includes a full spectroscopic scan from 400nm-2500nm in 3nm bands without missing even the thinnest of soil layers. This provides information on soil chemistry and fertility including soil carbon. Add to that digital imagery (yes real pictures!) for the classification of soil color, structure, porosity, roots, redoximorphic features, and lots of other microbiometrics. The DSC also includes a unique sensor for moisture and another for salinity along with an acoustic system that can distinguish coarse fragments and other material layers. The tip force and sleeve friction sensors provide additional information on density and texture. These data are fused to produce unique insights around soil-water and nutrient related soil properties and attributes and an almost limitless amount of interesting data features and artifacts for next generation machine learning!