I have been conducting industrial field-scale agronomic research for over 3 decades. One thing that became crystal clear to me is that the soil is the driving factor in how a crop performs and behaves over time at any given location within a field.
Canopy volume has been shown to drive light interception and yield potential in almond orchards, but what drives differences in canopy volume across a block? We think soils play the major role and our results from our 2022 test sites indicate that this is true. For example, we can measure canopy volume from our Digital Vegetation Signature (DVS) and analyze it against soil sensor data from our Digital Soil Core (DSC). The resulting analytics are stunning. This is a completely unique method for understanding the relationship between crop performance and the growing environment. There is more work to do, but I’m very excited and wanted to post it here.
#ii4ag #digitalagriculture #digitalsoilcore