Site Characterization In Agriculture Will Never Be The Same.

Introducing the LandScan Digital Soil Core (DSC). Imagine obtaining an objective, repeatable, and transferable continuous vertical profile through the root zone in 90 seconds! The DSC contains 7 unique sensors: tip force, sleeve friction, moisture, salinity, sound, imagery, and spectroscopy.

In addition to assessing well over a dozen soil properties it is also important to measure soil attributes like depth, thickness, and sequencing of layers if soil data are to be utilized for machine learning, decision support, and the creation of a true digital twin for agriculture. No other technology in the world can do this.

The DSC has undergone over a year of continuous field testing in 2021 and will now be deployed at select research sites in 2022. You are welcome to follow along as we will be posting regular updates on our upcoming activities and more detail about each sensor and what each is capable of discovering, alone and in combination.

“It’s not the big that eat the small, it’s the fast that eat the slow.”

Dan Rooney

Dan Rooney

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We are currently booking services for fall 2024 and 2025.  

  • No payment required until work is scheduled.
  • Our team of experts will contact you to setup a service consultation.